Board of the Urban Renewal Fund
Mr Timothy Ma Kam-wah has been appointed as the Chairman of the Board of the URF in August 2024. Other directors of the Board have been drawn from a wide cross-section of the community and are experienced in the legal, accountancy, business, architecture, planning, surveying and social welfare fields.
Board of the Urban Renewal Fund
Chairman | Mr Timothy Ma Kam-wah, MH, JP |
Directors | Ms Fanny Ang Bing-hun |
Ms Grace Chan Man-yee | |
Ms Kitty Chau Shuk-king | Dr Fok Yeung-yeung |
Mr Sunny Ho Lap-kee | |
Ms Janice Lai Wai-man | |
Mr Dominic Lam Kwong-ki | Prof Sunnie Lau Sing-yeung |
Mr David Lui Yin-tat, BBS | |
Ms Nadine Eden Maurellet | |
Mr Steven Pun Chi-ho | |
Ms Renee So Yi-ha | |
Mr Wai Chi-sing, GBS, JP | |
Mr Wong Wai-kit, MH |
The Board will enable the URF to make good use of the Fund to support a people-first, district-based and public participatory approach in urban renewal. The Board will develop and review the application frameworks for the various programmes under the selection of applications, as well as monitor and assess the performance of the successful applications.
Quote from the Board
With great enthusiasm, the Board of the URF looks forward to working together with NGOs, professional bodies and various key stakeholders on future projects, and ultimately to improve the quality of life of people in old urban areas.
Audit Committee
Convenor | Mr Sunny Ho Lap-kee, MH, JP |
Members | Mr Timothy Ma Kam-wah, MH, JP |
Mr Wong Wai-Kit, MH |
Terms of Reference
- To endorse for the Board’s approval new appointment, removal and re-appointment of external auditors;
- To review and discuss with external auditors the scope of their audit and any salient matters arising from the audit;
- To review and endorse for the Board’s approval significant accounting policies;
- To review and endorse for the Board’s approval the audited annual financial statements including the external auditors’ report;
- To receive and consider reports as and when necessary on effectiveness of the financial reporting system, internal control systems, risk management procedures and processes as well as compliance with applicable laws, regulations and internal policies;
- To conduct or oversee any ad hoc projects referred to the Committee by the Board
URF Secretariat
Contact Address
Flat A, 7/F, 777-783, Yu Chau West Street, Kowloon
Contact Number
3752 2723
Fax Number
3426 4643
Or contact by mail
Minutes and Records