• Corporation
  • Project Period
  • Project Type
  • Approved Budget
  • Hong Kong Arts Centre
  • April 2023 - September 2025
  • 6th Round Approved Project
  • $33,000,000
Objective Drawing inspiration from the uniqueness and diverse neighbourhood of Tai Kok Tsui, the Hong Kong Arts Centre (HKAC) presents the project “RE: Tai Kok Tsui” which promotes relationship-building and fosters meaningful connections among the local communities through art interventions. By engaging various community groups, stakeholders, creative talents, and professionals, the project and the process shall ultimately inspire and encourage not only the mentioned parties but also the general public to discuss, explore, envision, and take part in creating a dynamic and evolving environment in the Tai Kok Tsui community that serves as a prototype for the future community-building.


Since the Project commenced in April 2023, the HKAC has been focusing on its research, preliminary study and groundwork, connecting various stakeholders and understanding the community to revitalise Tai Kok Tsui through different collaborations.



Creative teams assembled by artists and community members to collaborate with local organisations and shops in Tai Kok Tsui to design and implement innovative programmes, turning imagination into tangible reality. The lab fosters an environment encouraging members to delve into the interplay between art and public spaces through observations, discussions, professional skill development, collaborative experiments, and localised trials. These endeavours are intended to establish a robust foundation of valuable insights and practical knowledge for forthcoming community art experiences.

Launched in late 2023, including 4 different series of workshops as follow:

‘Community Editorial and Writing Workshop’ one of the workshops in the Lab Series features editing, reporting, and writing for local publications, fostering a deeper connection with the community. Co-creating by the Lab Members, the first volume of a publication of ‘Ten Cents Paper Zine’ is launched in February 2024, sharing the captivating and inspiring stories of Tai Kok Tsui and its people.

Click here to find out how to redeem the ‘Ten Cents Paper Zine’.


‘Community Bookshelves’ is the programme that local stakeholders, Lab Members and artists co-create and tripartite collaborate in and for the Tai Kok Tsui community. There are 5 local organisations and shops that host one of our community bookshelves, a wide variety of reading interests as suggested by the programme participants. It inspires a love of reading, builds community, and sparks creativity by fostering neighborhood book exchanges.

‘Night Street Photography Workshops’ and ‘Take a Walk in Dusk’ Tour encourage people to discover the beauty of Tai Kok Tsui. Its bustling energy, dynamic atmosphere, and vibes can differ greatly depending on the time of day.


‘Take a Walk in Dusk Tour’ encourages participants to slow down their pace in the rapidly developing urban space, observe, explore, and understand the urban fabric of the Tai Kok Tsui community. In collaboration with the artist, an exclusive tour will be co-created to capture the essence of Tai Kok Tsui. Let’s take a breath and refresh ourselves in this cityscape.


3 sessions of Community Museum are designed to be spread out through the project period, the first session is formed by a series of workshops and the programme named ‘Hok Hok Zaap Kok’, which is led by artists who co-create with residents and local organisations. The workshops intend to build community unity through co-learning. Workshops begin from March to May 2024 and an exhibition showcase in June 2024.



The HKAC launched the Open Call Competition in October 2023, it invites eligible architects, designers and artists to design a temporary pavilion, which will be an anchor programme in the overall ‘RE: Tai Kok Tsui’ public art and community art project. The competition seeks to foreground and support emerging ecologically conscious young designers. The site of the temporary pavilion (approximately for 1-year use) is initially proposed to be located in the open area north of Olympian City 2 (facing Cherry Street and Hoi Wang Road).

More information on the Open Call Competition for Pavilion could be found here.


Three public space locations in Tai Kok Tsui are selected to open call for creative proposals with its uniqueness. It aims to receive proposals that are suitable to the site context and Tai Kok Tsui community, in responding to projects’ objective, vision, mission and value.

More information on the Public Space Art Intervention Open Call 01 could be found here.